Friday, February 24, 2012

Effects of testosterone is usually broken ...

Although steroids and learning a little outside research laboratory interests, it seems, the subject of great public interest. We collected these few lasix 150 mg pages to serve that interest, and we hope to provide some objective information, as well as the starting point for your own research (that we probably will not answer the question of steroids). All anabolic steroids are chemical derivatives of the male sex hormone, testosterone. After a short biological half-life of testosterone, the pharmacological use of steroids requires to be modified to slow down metabolism in the liver. Typically, oral steroids are modified primarily by alkylation (H instead of CH

group), and injectable steroids are modified by esterification of hydroxyl groups. Anabolic steroids work by linking with cytoplasmic (free within the cell) androgen receptors. Like all steroids, steroids receptor complex has a strong affinity to the core. The complex move to the nucleus and binds to DNA. It is also possible that steroid receptors and dissociate in the nucleus and act on DNA alone. Speed ​​limiting factor in this process seems to be cytoplasmic concentration of receptors, rather than the concentration of steroid or moving complex. Testosterone also appears to inhibit catabolic (protein degrading) way associated with glucocorticoids, but it is unclear whether this is due to the interaction between testosterone and glucocorticoids or behavior of nuclear steroid-receptor complex. Once in the nucleus of steroids appears to increase transcription of certain genes. As a result of mRNA processed and shipped from the nucleus, leading to increased protein synthesis. Catabolic inhibition may occur in the nucleus if the complex inhibits transcription of catabolic enzymes. The presence of androgen receptor indicates tissue androgen sensitive, and its concentration gives an idea of ​​how sensitive. Receptor is present in several organs, including skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle usually contains 0. 5.3 femtosekund (1E-12) on molyah mg protein, and other androgen-sensitive organs such as prostate cancer, may be up to 25 times more receptors. Last observation of feedback in biological systems: in a beautiful example of biological control, by-product of metabolism of testosterone, estradiol, which increases catabolism. Thus, overadministration testosterone analog steroids can minimize feedback and results. Effects of testosterone is usually divided into two classes: i. It seems that as a result of the same signaling pathways as proteins with no anabolic effect is independent of androgenic effects. They should provide a good start for a more detailed study of the behavior of anabolic steroids. If you are considering them as part of the curriculum, please contact your doctor. Hikson, RC and Kurowski, T. (1986), anabolic steroids and training. Clinics in Sports Medicine 5 (3) :461-469. AlN, M. and Komi, PV (1984), changes in neuromuscular activity and muscle fiber characteristics of power athletes self androgenin and anabolic steroids. Acta Physiologica Scandinavia 122:535-544. Wilson, JD and Griffin, JE (1980) and misuse of androgens. Metabolism 29 (12) :1278-1295. Martinez JA, oily, PJ and Pearson, JT (1984) Mechanism of action of anabolic agents: the effect of testosterone on muscle protein metabolism in female rats. British Journal of Nutrition 52:515-521. Yesalis CE and Bahrke MS (1995) Anabolic androgenic steroids: current issues. Sports Medicine 19 (5) :326-40. Last update: Monday, 02-Jul-2007 11:00:18 PDT

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